Types Of Fish And Their Nutrition

Fish is a very healthy, low-fat high quality protein food. Especially important fat i.e., omega-3 fatty acids, these are known as essential fats which don’t produce by our own body. These fats also helps to maintain healthy body. Omega-3 fatty acids helps in brain and heart health. These fats also play a role to decrease inflammation.

We should consume fish at least 2 portions per week which are low in mercury content. However, fish should also be consumed in recommended quantities as there are also side effects when taken in excess amounts. For some types of fish, there are RDA values (Recommended Dietary Allowance) that shows how much amount should you eat. Fish is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals like calcium and phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.

Fish contains certain high levels of chemical and contaminants such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), PBDEs, dioxins, and chlorinated pesticides from the food they eat and also from ground, lake, and ocean water which get from household and industrial waste. These chemical from these sources are taken by the fish live in that water.

So, who are pregnant and breastfeeding should avoid fish and children under 3 years should also be careful while eating fish as they may contain mercury which is harmful.

Certain fishes that contain higher levels of mercury are listed below:

  • Shark
  • Ray
  • Swordfish
  • King mackerel
  • Gem fish
  • Tilefish

Types of fish that are healthy to eat

The most eaten common fish that are healthy and low in mercury are canned light tuna less mercury than tuna, salmon, shrimp and catfish. Other types healthy fishes that can be eaten safely are as follows:

1. Catla Fish ( Indian Crap):

Katla fish is a fresh water fish which is mostly found in North India and Assam in rivers and lakes. It contains a rich source of essential fatty acids i.e., omega3,6 fatty acids and also protein. Catla fish is enriched with proteins and vitamins. It is low in calories, which is best option for weight loss. This fish contains moderate amount of mercury which is safe to eat. This fish can be eaten by cooking as traditional Indian fish curry.

Catla fish is very tasty when cooked especially in mustard oil. As it is a boney fish, it is rich in calcium. It weight about 1-2kgs. Don’t consume this above 170gms per week as it may contain contaminants.

100gms of catla fish= 111kcal, 19gms protein, 2gms fat, 530mg calcium, 235mg phosphorus and 1mg iron.

2. Rawas (Indian Salmon):

Indian Salmon Fish is one of India’s most tasty fish which is found in the Western Cost. It is a cold water fish found in oceans from 4 degree Celsius. This fish is highly popular for its taste. It is very soft and contains tender white meat with elegant flavour. It has attractive rink to orange colored flesh. It is known as a fatty fish, only one piece/fillet of salmon fish contains about 30% fat. It is very soft and well textures after cooked. This fish contains omega 3,6 fatty acids, vitamin D, protein, iron, potassium, vitamin D and also a rich source of vitamin B12.

Although salmon fish contain soft bones, it is served as bone less. It should not be taken more than 170gms in a week as it may contain contaminants like PCBs. Indian salmon weighs from 700g – 1 kg,

3. Hilsa

Hilsa is a very popular and the national fish of Bangladesh, also is found in Odisha, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat. Hilsa is being highly fished and the population is gradually decreasing. So be wise and do not put Hilsa on your plate too often.

4. Mackerel

Very high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, Surmai or King Mackerel is indeed the king fish of the Indian ocean. However, it is high in mercury but that does not mean you cannot eat it. Have this fish once a week and do ensure that you do not eat any other fish that week. Also, buy it from trusted sources.

5. Rohu

It is also known as Carpo fish, Rohu is enriched with a handsome amount of protein. Packed with Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A, B, and C. You should eat Rohu at least once a week.


We should consume fish at least 2 portions per week which are low in mercury content. Fish is a very healthy, low-fat high quality protein food. Fish contains important omega 3 fatty acids. We should consume fish at least 2 portions per week which are low in mercury content. However, fish should also be consumed in recommended quantities as there are also side effects when taken in excess amounts. For some types of fish, there are RDA values (Recommended Dietary Allowance) that shows how much amount should you eat. Fish is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals like calcium and phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.